Dissolution of HKPTU, and Distribution of Surplus Funds (For members only)

Dear members, regarding the distribution of surplus funds, the registration period has come to an end by 11 Jan 2024. The Union will process all registrations as soon as practicable. Members please note the following information:


批次 時間 分派方式 獲派會員
1. 2023年12月底 銀行轉賬 於2023年12月11日或之前遞交一次登記及其香港身份證號碼及賬戶持有人姓名與教協會員記錄吻合
2. 有待公佈* 劃線支票 於2023年12月11日或之前遞交一次登記及其香港身份證號碼及賬戶持有人姓名與教協會員記錄吻合
3. 2024年1月 銀行轉賬 於登記期遞交一次或多次登記,及其香港身份證號碼及賬戶持有人姓名與教協會員記錄吻合
* 由於數量眾多,銀行需時處理及發出支票,本會將稍後更新情況。

如需協助,請致電熱線2583‑1168或發電郵至[email protected]與我們聯絡。

Dear members, regarding the distribution of surplus funds, HKPTU has made distribution of surplus funds to qualified members as follows:

Batch Timeframe Method Receiving members
1. End of Dec 2023 Bank transfer Submitted registration once on or before 11 December 2023 and whose HKID and name of account holder matched with that of membership record maintained by HKPTU
2. To be announced* Crossed cheque Submitted registration once on or before 11 December 2023 and whose HKID and name of account holder matched with that of membership record maintained by HKPTU
3. Jan 2024 Bank transfer Submitted registrations during the registration period once or multiple times and whose HKID and name of account holder matched with that of membership record maintained by HKPTU
* Due to the large volume, it takes time for bank to process and issue cheques. The Union will provide update on a later date.

For those qualified members who have not been included in the distribution batches mentioned above (such as those who submitted multiple registrations, whose provided information differs from the Union’s record, or whose verification takes additional time), please wait patiently; HKPTU and the Acclime team are committed to process the outstanding registrations.
Please note that those registrations submitted during the period between 12 December 2023 and 11 January 2024 will be handled after completion of those registrations submitted during the First Stage Registration Period.
Should you need assistance, please call the hotline at 2583‑1168 or send an email to [email protected].

教協總辦事處、旺角服務中心及銅鑼灣服務中心,已於2021年11月11日停止運作。如有關於餘款均分的查詢,請電郵至 [email protected] ;如有任何其他查詢,請電郵至
[email protected]。不便之處,敬請原諒。









> 各單位日後服務時間及地址

感謝會員近半世紀支持 教協決定解散






Grateful for the Support over the Years
HKPTU Resolve to Dissolve

10th August 2021

The Executive Committee announced on 10th August 2021 that it was resolved that HKPTU is to be dissolved, and relevant procedures will be activated with immediate effect.

To minimise the impact on members and make arrangements for dissolution, the service centres will be still in operation on temporary basis.  The HKPTU is confident of being able to implement the process in an orderly and reasonable manner.

The recruitment and renewal of membership has been stopped. Members who have just renewed their membership will be arranged for refund.  For details of the operation of all services, please refer to: http://hkptu.org/dissolution